In 2013, there were 8.2 million cases of anxiety disorder and almost 4 million cases of mood disorder.

In 2014, statistics found that 1 in 15 people had self-harmed at one point in their life.

1 in 6 people experience some kind of mental health difficulty in a period of one week.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the world dies through suicide.

But Mental Health Stigma still exists.

Stabilising Serotonin was developed and launched in 2020 as a Mental Health Blog. Our aim was to reduce stigma and share experiences and knowledge.

Moving into 2022, Stabilising Serotonin is still a Mental Health Blog but with a mission. Now, we are empowering V.O.I.C.E.

V.O.I.C.E. On The Blog

V.O.I.C.E. is the underpinning values for Stabilising Serotonin. It is the framework of which we base every article we write and what we plan for the future of the website. VOICE is our message to the world; what should be available for everyone’s Mental Health.

  • Articles are often based on the personal experience of the author. We talk about a spectrum of mental health disorders and symptoms. We speak about variating severity of mental health issues and treat them equally.

    We believe that everyone, no matter how large or small a scale their mental health experience has been, should be valued and listened to.

    We also cover topics outside of mental health. Areas that can have an impact or influence on self-esteem and confidence as well as mental health. That’s why we talk about Body Confidence and being a parent!

    Mental health isn’t always talking about illnesses or symptoms, it’s about making positive changes in all aspects of our lives that overall, build good mental wellbeing.

  • Our articles offer advice, tips and tricks, sign-positing to relevant articles, agencies and services. We want people to use the website to better themselves; whether this be through learning new things or learning coping mechanisms and strategies to aid their recovery.

    We also have an open door; we have a contribution survey for those looking to submit an idea or topic that they wish to be discussed or covered. We respond to messages from our community as best as we can, signposting them to services/charities that could help or pointing them in the right direction to resources.

  • Through sharing our experiences, advice and knowledge; we hope to encourage and inspire other to speak about their mental health and use peer support to help their friends, family and colleagues.

    All the authors on this page know how it feels to be supressed or silenced, and we want to enable you to speak up about how you’re feeling, speak out against discrimination or prejudice and speak with each other about overcoming barriers and achieving things you once thought were unachievable.

    For myself (hello, hi, it’s me, Beth) I started this blog one week during COVID-19 lockdown. Bit the bullet and spent the money on setting up a website not knowing what I was going to write about. One thing I did know, was that I wanted to talk about the things that nobody ever spoke about. Movies and books taught me depression was all crying and eating ice cream in bed; not that my hair was going to be matted and greasy and that I’d have constant diarrhoea from eating Pot Noodles every day for two weeks.

    If someone told me that I’d have readers from 27 different countries reading my articles, I’d have laughed. But that’s the reality now. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people out there that want a real conversation about mental health. This website is just a brick in the wall of mental health discussion.

    It’s up to you guys to branch that conversation out into your real lives… not just the internet ones…

  • All articles have the ability to be commented on, encouraging people to continue the discussion whether it’s on the website on our social media pages. We want to provide a safe place, for people to feel welcome and give a sense of belonging.

    We want people to recognise names and faces; reach out to people they connect with no matter what side of the world they are on. There is unity beyond the borders of countries or oceans. We are all here because we care about our own mental health and that of our loved ones. (Go you!)

  • Our articles speak from the heart; speak from experience and speak from sources that are accurate and view mental health from the same perspective as ourselves. We believe that the internet and community as a whole, are a crucial part in breaking down the stigma that still exists around mental health.

    We do not use discriminatory language or stereotypes. We debunk myths, prove that everyone is individual and mental illness isn’t what it’s often portrayed as in film and books.

    We also aim to challenge ‘self-stigma’ through applying the values above. Self-stigma is the act of labelling and belittling yourself and your illness/mental health. It’s something I struggled a lot with over the years… Not being ill enough, not being severe enough to warrant accessing help. We can’t challenge stigma as a society until we appreciate and acknowledge our own mental health state.

    Our shop apparel also contributes to spreading the message that mental illness shouldn’t be shunned. That mental health is something that everyone has.

We Need Your Help Support V.O.I.C.E.

Stabilising Serotonin is run and currently funded by the creator (that’s me, the person writing this for you), and let me tell you, blogs ain’t cheap. Living ain’t cheap!

I want to be frank with you. This website costs around £300 per year to keep it online, and that’s just the website domain and host. I could have chosen much cheaper hosting websites but I’ll be honest I’m winging this. The host is user friendly for someone who doesn’t know SEO from AMP (or Arse from Elbow on a bad day.) That being said, there are some things I won’t turn to for keeping this website going.

  • You Will Never See Ads on This Website.

  • You Will Never See Products Promoted That We Don’t Genuinely Find Beneficial/Helpful.

Simply, because that’s not the aim of the blog. We don’t want Google or Amazon promoting gyms on articles that encourage you to slob out and lay in bed. We don’t want them promoting weight loss products on articles that talk about eating disorders. We won’t be pushing you to use online Counselling services that aren’t licenced because they’re giving us a percentage of each sale. Three words: Get To Fuck.

This is why we need YOUR help.

That’s right! So many free ways to help support us! Who woulda thought it!

There are also other ways to help us; we have a shop opening soon where you will be able to buy apparel and items made to help spread the message of VOICE and Stabilising Serotonin as a whole. We also have a donation button located at the side of our article pages, which is another way to support us*

*please only donate if you can financially afford to. We appreciate every share, like, pin, retweet and appreciate every donation. Although donations and shop purchases help us financially to cover the cost of running Stabilising Serotonin, we’d love people to support us the free way first!

The Future of V.O.I.C.E.

As the blog develops, we have hope for expanding VOICE even further. Ideas for future developments include:

  • Paying contributors from a variety of backgrounds to share their experiences and knowledge, expanding our library of advice to different topics.

  • Creating weekly podcasts to tailor to different learning styles and for on-the-go advice.

  • Offering paid group/one-to-one mentoring on a variety of subjects that can help with personal resilience, self-esteem building and recovery.

  • Creating training/learning courses on personal recovery plans and mental health training for social care, teachers, family members.

  • Creating community led events on social media, such as awareness months and monthly challenges to promote self-care and positive mental wellbeing.

  • Expanding our shop apparel and roll out to independent stores.

If you want to know anything else about the blog, how to help us or want to know more about VOICE; contact us through our online form or through our email address which you can find on the Contact Us page.

The Creator

My name is Beth and I am the creator of ‘Stabilising Serotonin.’ I’ve worked in the Mental Health sector for over 7 years, but have dealt with my own mental health struggles for over 12 years.

Our Contributors