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Healthy and Unhealthy Stress

Healthy and Unhealthy Stress

We all get stressed. Whether it’s because of school, work, personal circumstances or all the little things adding up (you know those months where you lose something, then you get overcharged for something, then your favourite thing breaks, then your to-do list gets longer…. those months.)

However, when we think about stress, we think about all the negative things that we feel, both physically and mentally. We think frustration, fatigue, anxiety, everything seeming overwhelming, disrupted sleep.. the list goes on.

Prepare yourselves though, because stress isn’t always negative. I know, shock!

In today’s video we’re talking about the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress as well as some ways to break down and cope with stressful situations. You can watch the video here:

Coping with Stress

1.     Establish work or school / life balance.

a.     Whether it’s exam stress or an unrealistic work deadline, you must keep that work/life balance in order to give yourself time and space to recuperate as well as having an appointed area and hours to work on the project that needs to be seen through. If you don’t get that balance or established times set beforehand, you’re not going to have time to do any of the other tips!

b.     If you’re working or studying from home, create or reserve an area that you are going to use for working on your deadline so you have an associated space for that activity alone. Set hours, with realistic break in between, where you will work on the deadline and don’t engage in any distractions where possible.

2.     Make sure you can SMART goal your stress.

a.     If you have a deadline or project and you don’t know where to start, you need to make it SMART. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Scaled.)

b.     Break your project into smaller goals, that are going to be more realistic and manageable. This will allow you to also see progress, rather than feeling like you’re forever chipping away at a task that seems never-ending. You’re not going to build Rome in a day, so take it slow and don’t pressure yourself to get everything done at the click of your fingers.

3.      Create healthy coping mechanisms.

a.     It’s all fine and well saying create smart goals and give yourself time as well as time to the activity, but if you’ve not got a healthy release and source of enjoyment, you’re not going to get very far.

b.     Coping mechanisms are very individually, because what works for one person, may stress another out more. So look into hobbies and activities that you may or may already enjoy. Physical exercise, crafting classes, reading, lunch with friends, cleaning and tidying.

Stress can make it seem like you’re in a rut and you’re never going to get out, but with a few changes, your goals and deadlines can be achieved whilst taking care of yourself as well. No matter what the deadline or project or exam is and how important it is, you are more important. There is always going to be further studying, there’s always going to be another project at work for you to get involved in, there’s always going to be a tomorrow. If you feel like you cannot cope even when you’ve made changes and attempted to make your stress healthy, there is no shaming in asking for help or admitting to feeling overwhelmed. Reach out for support when you need it, and don’t leave it too late.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy and stay positive. And remember, someone out there cares about you, so if you need help or feel like chatting, reach out.


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