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The Black Dot Experiment (Free Worksheets!)

The Black Dot Experiment (Free Worksheets!)

Whether it’s a bad day, an overwhelming feeling, a negative experience or a traumatic event; we all have those times where no matter what is going on in our lives, or what positive moments we have, those negative situations hang over us like a single black cloud on a perfectly sunny day.

The problem is, we’ve become trained as human beings, to use a faulty defense mechanism to deal with negative memories and feelings. Using ‘The Black Dot Experiment’ by Bill Rogers, we can explore this defense mechanism and use it as a tool to break down our way of thinking and generate a healthier, more positive mindset.

Check out the video below for a step-by-step walkthrough of the this exercise (of course, featuring the forever-adorable pup.)

After you have watched the video, download the worksheet below by clicking the button underneath the image. The exercise can be used:

  • By individuals, working on their own feelings, thoughts and circumstances on a personal level.

  • Within teams in a workplace, to look at challenges that they might be facing and refocus on potential developments and past successes.

  • With an individual you are supporting, whether this be an adolescent or individual you support/care for. Work through the worksheet to help them discover positives amongst the negatives and provide a positive input where they might see none.


Please feel free to comment, subscribe and like the YouTube video if you enjoyed the content and found the worksheets useful! If you’d like more information on this exercise or tips and tricks to help adapt it to a different area (for example, if you are look at using this in the workplace or for someone you support) I’d be more than happy to bounce some ideas off you and vice versa! Use the form on the Contact Me section of the website.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy and stay positive. And remember, someone out there cares about you, so if you need help or feel like chatting, reach out.


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